By Design


“By Design” is a 6-session small group resource on everyday serving, It helps people discover their strengths and abilites — how God has uniquely designed them — and it helps people grow in understanding the unique plan God has for how they use those gifts.

Your purchase allow unlimited access, via streaming and download, of this content for use by anyone in your local faith community. At the time of purchase, create a username and password for sharing within that group.

See below for more info on the format and content.



“By Design” is a discipleship resource on everyday serving, sharing the same format, purpose and style as a similar resource, “It’s About Time,” described in this video.


“By Design” includes a 5-10 minute video (for streaming or download) and a Participant Guide (in pdf) for each of six sessions, plus a Leader’s Guide (pdf). Content focuses on discovering our unique giftedness and how to apply that giftedness in everyday life.

  1. A Unique Design
    • Our uniquesnesses are God’s gift to us
    • God’s design also includes ways for us to use those gifts to serve others.
    • Our relationship to God comes from his grace, not what we do.
    • Eph 2:10 and Eph 2:8-9
  2. Seeing the Full Breadth of our Gifts
    • Our gifts include more than just a few noticeable talents
    • Seeing the full range of gifts changes how we see ourselves and others
    • 1 Peter 4:10
  3. A Life-Long Process
    • We never stop discovering God’s gifts to us.
    • God continues to work in us, and we have a role in that process.
    • Ecc. 3:1 and Phil. 1:6
  4. Gifts in Place
    • We serve first where God’s placed us in everyday life.
    • How to find additional places to serve
    • The people we serve are more important than the tasks we do.
    • God’s grace covers all our faults and failings and is the antidote to fear and anxiety.
    • Ps. 103:11-12
  5.  What Gifts are Not
    • Not for comparison and are not about me,
    • We may be called to serve outside our giftedness.
    • 1 Cor. 12:18 and 2 Cor. 12:9)
  6. The Ongoing Adventure
    • Discovering God’s plan when we have choices
    • Serving others includes wanting them to know Jesus
    • James 1:5 and Heb. 10:24

Your purchase of “By Design” grants access to these resources to anyone in your church family. At the time of purchase, create a user name and password for sharing within your church family. Users are asked not to share the username and password outside your church family. Note that use “within your church” includes someone from your church using it with their neighbors, family and friends! But if one of those participants wishes to reuse it within their own/different church, they should do it through a purchase.

The activities of everyday life are include challenges and choices, for those who follow Jesus, and for those who don’t. It is my firm belief that when we develop relationships of mutual encouragement, support and accoutability with others who follow Jesus, we’re not only better able to deal with our own challenges, we’re better positioned for worldwide kingdom impact.


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