Brighten your day by reading these thank you letters from the students at Good Shepherd Christian Academy (formerly Jehovah Lutheran School) in Chicago. The students received gifts from the St. Peter family through the Christmas Caring tree in our lobby. Gifts alsoRead more…
God’s Timing at Work
If you’ve taken St. Peter’s new member class in the past 10 years, you remember meeting with one of our volunteer ministry guides for a friendly conversation about your gifts and interests and ways they might be used at St.Read more…
Add a Little More Joy to Your Serving
If we’re driving, we need to know how much gas is in the tank. When we’re serving, it can be equally helpful to look at how much joy is in our tank! Let’s do a self-check. Do you look forwardRead more…
Add a Little Jesus to Your Serving
“I never thought of that as serving Jesus!” I hear this a lot. We all tend to equate ‘serving Jesus’ with volunteering that is at church or that is specifically religious. But St. Paul says, “. . . whatever youRead more…
Simplify Your Serving
Some of us don’t need to be encouraged to serve. We’re serving at church and elsewhere so much so that we’re running nonstop. If you’re overwhelmed by obligations, if a relaxed family dinner is a rarity, if you say ‘yes’Read more…
Get Off the Couch!
Is it time to get up and get moving? To start giving back? To spend a little more time helping others? We all need time to rest and refresh, and to care for ourselves and immediate family. But it’s easyRead more…
Serving in Business
Another St. Peter member has earned a Volunteer of the Year award! Rich Eisenhuth, a residential mortgage consultant at HomeTrust Mortgage, was recently voted Volunteer of the Year by the Schaumburg Business Association (SBA) for his work chairing their AmbassadorRead more…
What’s Your Joy Level?
Have you measured your joy level lately? We count the miles we jog or the steps we walk and we track our bank accounts. What if we quantified our daily joy? Our joy goes up when we’re praised at work,Read more…
On Your Feet
Note: This is the fourth in a series of five reflections. The series begins here. If God’s calling us to specific tasks (see Eph. 2:10), how do we know what they are? It sounds like a high-stake guessing game. What jobRead more…
He’s Calling You
Bartimaeus was blind. And noisy. He heard Jesus was nearby and, to get his attention, he started hollering. People nearby told him to hold down the noise. But he just got louder! And when Jesus noticed and asked for Bartimaeus,Read more…
God Himself Milks the Cows
This fall we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, a time in history when Martin Luther shook up the church as he proclaimed the Biblical truth of salvation by grace alone. He also shook up the church, and theRead more…
The Best Job Ever
I’m the volunteerism person at our church and I love my job. I love hearing people talk about their interests, the causes and needs dear to their hearts, and the tasks they absolutely love doing. Even more, I loveRead more…
From Compassion to Action
Her commute home from work — that’s what prompted Cheryl Bokelmann’s 17 years of service in St. Peter’s PADS ministry. Every evening, as she walked from her downtown Chicago office to the Metra station, she noticed the homeless; so manyRead more…
14 projects? Where’d they come from?!
Last week was busy and stressful. My assistant Isabel and I were preparing publicity for our 14 Big Days of Serving (BDOS) projects. A major challenge was fitting descriptions for all 14 on our one-page handout! This May 19-21 eventRead more…
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