Is it time to get up and get moving? To start giving back? To spend a little more time helping others?
We all need time to rest and refresh, and to care for ourselves and immediate family. But it’s easy to get trapped in a narrow focus of only our own needs and desires. It’s easy to become merely a spectator, rather than a participant, in our church or other organizations, especially when we don’t know where we fit in. It’s easy to ignore the needs of others, particularly when those needs are overwhelmingly many and complex.
But Jesus ranked “Love your neighbor” right up there with “Love God” in importance (Matthew 22:36-40). And his idea of love is more than general niceness, more than simply avoiding bad behavior. We all have room to grow in doing specific acts of good for our neighbors.
If God might be nudging you to get up and start serving, jump in! It doesn’t need to be complicated. Make pumpkin bread or shovel snow for a neighbor. Do something nice for a colleague. Visit or phone someone who’s lonely. Take a minute and lend a hand when the opportunity arises.
To serve with others in a more organized way, consider one of these steps.
- Look for community volunteer opportunities in our area on this website.
- St. Peter’s many volunteer opportunities are described on our church website.
- Read our weekly pulse, or follow us on social media, for special needs, especially short-term or one-time ways to serve.
- Talk to Karen Kogler in the church office, or ask to speak to one of our ministry guides, for help in finding the best fit for your interests and schedule.
When you see yourself becoming a movie junkie or Angry Birds zombie, get off the couch and away from the screen. Start serving! Short term or ongoing, on your own or with others, you’ll be glad you did.
This post is first in a series of four posts on New Year’s resolutions on serving. The other posts are:
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