Have you visited someone in prison lately? Or talked to, encouraged, or assisted such a person? I’ve never visited anyone in jail and doubt I ever will; the thought terrifies me. But when I consider how my God wants meRead more…
More Serving? or Better Serving?
When we talk about serving, it’s almost always about “more” serving — its quantity. As volunteers retire, leaders need to replace them with more volunteers. When new ministry opportunities arise, leaders need more volunteers to make them happen. People inRead more…
Spiritual Gifts? People Eager for More
Younger respondents have bigger and more emphatic responses to . . . gifting. “Gifted for More” is a new resource on spiritual gifts with convincing evidence that the time is right for churches to help people identify, develop and shareRead more…
“Come Lord Jesus, Be Our Guest . . .”
“Come Lord Jesus, be our guest and let your gifts to us be blessed.” As I grew up, my family said this prayer at dinner each evening before dinner, and I still use it regularly at meals. Recently it occurredRead more…
You Can Be/Grow a Volunteer Champion
Imagine a world in which every Christian church, no matter its size or budget, had an acknowledged volunteer champion in their midst, a leader who helped people use their God-given gifts in their Lord’s service within and beyond the church;Read more…
It’s About Time: Everyday Serving
After nearly 30 years of leading church volunteerism, it’s about time I started leading healthy serving in everyday life. For perhaps 100 years, churches have focused on people serving at church. Isn’t it about time we all focused on servingRead more…
If Every Church had a Volunteer Champion…
Odds are good your church does not have a staff person who focuses on healthy volunteerism. Few churches do, and the numbers are decreasing. But I’m willing to bet your church does have a person or two or ten whoRead more…
Where in the World is The Equipper?
Susan, a colleague from 10+ years ago, emailed me earlier this year and noted, “I see your website hasn’t been updated in a while. I hope all is well with you.” All is well with me, Susan, but you’re right.Read more…