“I never thought of that as serving Jesus!” I hear this a lot. We all tend to equate ‘serving Jesus’ with volunteering that is at church or that is specifically religious. But St. Paul says, “. . . whatever youRead more…
Serving in Business
Another St. Peter member has earned a Volunteer of the Year award! Rich Eisenhuth, a residential mortgage consultant at HomeTrust Mortgage, was recently voted Volunteer of the Year by the Schaumburg Business Association (SBA) for his work chairing their AmbassadorRead more…
Good Stuff: Benefits of Volunteering
A good reminder of some of the side benefits of volunteering in our communities. http://blogs.volunteermatch.org/engagingvolunteers/2016/09/28/unintended-consequences-of-volunteering-and-theyre-all-good/
Good Stuff: Thanking Volunteers
“Thank You” offers thoughts, discussion and links on thanking volunteers. It includes the surprising observation from research that while “over 60% of organisations are holding formal gatherings to thank volunteers, . . . less than 20% of volunteers like toRead more…
Good Stuff: 5 Ways to Say Thanks
Good reminder on how to appreciate volunteers: “5 Ways to Say Thanks.” Numbers 4 and 5 are especially appreciated by high-capacity volunteers and leaders.
Good Stuff: Work as Worship
We don’t often think of an ex-con as a role model, but this one is: “How an Ex-Convict Learned to Worship Through His Work.” Great sermon illustration and discussion starter for vocation, calling in daily life, work as service.
The value of volunteering for job seekers
According to LinkedIn, 41% of hiring managers say volunteer work is just as valuable as paid work on a CV,” says a Volunteer Match blog post.
Good Stuff: All Work is Service
Serving goes way beyond just volunteering at church. Tim Keller wrote a great post on it: All Work is Service. What a difference it makes in my day when I remember this!
Good Stuff: Measuring Impact
Volunteer Match collected information from nonprofits on measuring volunteer impact. They’re sharing the results here: “Here’s How You Measure Volunteer Impact.”
The Power of Stories
Are you a storyteller? Of course you are. We all are. We naturally share the stories of what’s going on in our lives – the illness, the home improvement project, the cute thing the grandchild did! Stories are part ofRead more…
A Question: Percentage of People Serving
I’ve Got a Question “From our database we can run a report finding that 590 people are currently assigned to a position. In order to get the percentage of people serving, what number do I compare that to? Should IRead more…
What can I do? I’m just a volunteer.
“Our church really needs help. We just keep trying harder to recruit volunteers and it isn’t getting better. I think equipping people to serve is a great idea and would really help. But our leaders don’t ‘get it.’ And whatRead more…
Volunteering as We Age
Growing old. It isn’t for wimps. In my middle-age years, I experience the indignities of my body changing without my permission. More significantly, I watch and try to help my parents who can no longer do some things they’ve alwaysRead more…
So, What do YOU do?
he next time you see a group of church volunteers, ask them each to tell you what they do at church. They’ll likely answer with comments like these: “I usher . . .,” “I teach Sunday School . . .,”Read more…
Conversation Starters
Start a conversation about volunteering/working for the Lord. What do people really think about serving? What good and bad experiences have they had? What would they really like to do? We’re often too busy ‘doing,’ and too caught up inRead more…
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