The Best Job Ever

This post was written specifically for the members of St. Peter Lutheran Church in Arlington Heights, Illinois.

I’m the volunteerism person at our church and I love my job.


I love hearing people talk about their interests, the causes and needs dear to their hearts, and the tasks they absolutely love doing. Even more, I love it when someone tells me how excited they are by a volunteer ministry that’s a perfect fit for them, and when people share how they saw God at work while they served.

Still better is when people ‘get it’ that volunteering at church is just the tip of the iceberg, and we can talk about serving Jesus in every task, every day.

Over the past 25 years, I’ve learned a lot about volunteerism through experience and study. But I’ve learned even more about serving as I’ve aimed to use my own time and talent in every task, every day, serving Jesus.

Serving Jesus in everyday life is full of joy and wonder, but it’s not always easy. We face difficult decisions, serious challenges, and frequent frustrations. God’s ever-abundant grace is our first source of strength. But God also uses other people to help us along the way. We learn from each other. That’s why I’m writing these blogs, to start conversations and to help us grow.

“Lord, what are you calling me to do?”  Asking this question has often been helpful in my struggles, so we’ll be looking at serving through the lens of calling. I pray God will bless you in this journey, too.

Consider: How much of your week do you generally consider as “serving God”?

Read:  Colossians. 3:22-24 (“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord . . . .”)

Pray: Jesus, Thank you that all I do for you is done in gratitude for your love, and not in an attempt to earn that love.  Help me grow in that service. Amen.

Note: This is the first of a set of five devotions titled “Cheer Up! On Your Feet! He’s Calling You!”
2. God Himself Milks the Cows
3. He’s Calling You
4.On Your Feet
5. What’s Your Joy Level?



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