Putting Spiritual Gifts to Work: Equipping Saints for Service (pdf download)


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This short (80 page) book by Karen Kogler is a pdf download. It is also available in a spiral-bound printed version.

This book addresses volunteerism health in a congregation. It shows how to move away from continual, desperate pleas for more volunteers, to a system and culture that equips the saints for service – encouraging, inviting and supporting people to serve as God has gifted and called them. After discovering our spiritual gifts, the necessary (but often overlooked) next step is putting them to work. When the church does a good job of helping its people take that step, people enjoy serving, volunteerism is healthy, and the church is mobilized for carrying out its mission. . . . This book puts healthy church volunteerism in a nutshell, to cover all the basics in a you-can-do-this manner, to be simple but not simplistic, to be short enough to read in a few hours, and, above all, to provide useable and practical help.

View an exceprt of the book, including the Table of contents, introduction and chapter 1.

Upon purchase, you will receive a link for dowloading the book as a pdf file to your computer. You can share it as you wish, including printing if desired, within your local church.

This book is also available in a printed version, with spiral wire binding and a clear plastic cover, for $15.00. [add link]

Questions? Email [email protected].

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