An Equipping System

An equipping church builds a system for equipping people. There is no one perfect system. The best systems are designed by and for the people who will use them. But a good system will have these elements.

  1. Educational opportunities, for new members and long time members, that teach:
    1. The Biblical foundations for ministry
    2. The role of ministry/service in a Christian’s life
    3. Discovering your gifts
  2. Connecting people to ministry: interviews, placement and follow-up
  3. Helpful job descriptions for all positions easily available
  4. Intentional invitations to consider specific ministry opportunities, without pressure or guilt! (aka recruiting the right way)
  5. Training for people as they start a ministry; training to help them grow in a ministry; training in preparation for increased responsibility in ministry; training for leaders
  6. Record-keeping systems that make sure people don’t fall through the cracks
  7. Intentional, planned support for people as they serve
  8. Support that seeks out and solves problems early
  9. Plans for dealing with conflict and problems
  10. Regular affirmation and appreciation

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