The Equipper Newsletter
July 29, 2015
Churches Equipping Saints for Service
 Want volunteers?
Every church has volunteers. And just about every church wants or needs more volunteers. Recruiting volunteers is not the only aspect of healthy church volunteerism, but it is both a popular topic and an important one. Recruiting in healthy ways improves the overall volunteerism health of your church; recruiting poorly hurts it. And when we recruit without thought or planning, we're often closer to 'poor' than to 'healthy.' So this issue is "Recruiting 101," a look at  three basic issues, along with a bonus of recruiting tips.
You've got knowledge, experience and tips also. Share it with the rest of us! Comment on any of the articles, or email me, [email protected].
  Recruiting 101:
  1. Avoid This

�Help! We need more volunteers!� You hear that a lot around churches. If you�re working with volunteers, you probably don�t have enough. It�s true whether you are a pastor, church staff or a volunteer yourself. Volunteer recruitment is not only a continual concern, it�s a vital concern for the church. . . .

We start with two Thou Shalt Not�s. . . . (read more)

  Recruiting 101:
  2. Spell It Out

If you were looking for work, would you be interested in a job where the responsibilities were only vaguely described, where hours and benefits weren�t mentioned at all, and no one had clear answers to your questions? Me neither. Yet that�s how we recruit volunteers � with a short, general request for help in our announcements.

Every volunteer position needs a one-page job description . . . (read more) . . .
  Recruiting 101:
  3. Invite Them!

Recruitment is invitation. When you recruit, you invite someone to consider an opportunity to serve. Remembering this truth makes the process easier, more pleasant and more effective.

Party invitations are attractive and are sent well in advance to a select group of people. The same is true with recruiting. We start early and we extend a thoughtful, personalized invitation.

Who is on our invitation list? Don�t aim for friends who owe you a favor, or those who can�t say no. . . . (read more)
 4. Recruiting Tips

A baker�s dozen of tips on recruiting church volunteers:

  1. A satisfied volunteer is the best recruiter. Have current volunteers invite their friends to join them in serving or ask them for names of people you can invite. If one of your Sunday school teachers is enthusiastic about the ministry and great at communicating, ask him or her to help with, or lead, recruitment for the ministry.
  2. Write well. . . . (read more)

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In this issue:
4. Tips

The Equipper Newsletter published monthly by
Karen Kogler, Equipper Church Volunteerism Resources